
Are You at Risk for Mesothelioma?

Date: March 10, 2017
Author: IUPAT Team
Categories: News

Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer common among trades workers that starts in the lining of the lungs.  The vast majority of 500 new cases of mesothelioma diagnosed in Canada each year are caused by exposure to asbestos in the workplace.

Asbestos was widely used in construction materials and many other products up until the 1980s.  Mesothelioma typically appears 20 to 40 years after exposure.

Younger trades workers are still at serious risk of being exposed to asbestos, and not just from contamination from older buildings.  Asbestos has not yet been banned in Canada.  It is being imported and used in the manufacture of products, like asbestos concrete pipes.

When workers or their families swallow or inhale asbestos fibers, these microscopic-sized needles work their way into the lining of their lungs or other parts of their body.  The body’s immune system tries to destroy the foreign substance, creating chronic inflammation.  That leads to DNA damage, so that eventually normal cells become cancerous cells, which develop into fast growing tumors.  If this aggressive tumor is left untreated, it can spread to other organs.  But if caught early, patients can benefit from various treatment options and have better chances for survival.

The Princess Margaret Hospital was the first facility in the world to screen people who have been exposed to asbestos for mesothelioma and asbestos-related disorders using CT scan and biomarkers.  If an individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma, treatments can be given to help slow the progress of the disease. The treatment strategies used at Princess Margaret Hospital have more than doubled the survival rates, from 32% to 72%.

The Early Detection Program team screens individuals 30 years of older who have no symptoms but have a history of exposure to asbestos (at least 20 years ago) or show evidence of asbestos exposure on their X-rays in the form of lung scarring (pleural plaques).

The building trades unions helped start the Early Detection Program.  They, including the IUPAT, have become instrumental in the growth of the Princess Margaret’s Mesothelioma Program, supporting both screening and research.  As government funding is limited, the financial support of the trades unions is very important.

I urge our members, who have a history asbestos exposure, to take advantage of this tremendous resource and contact the Early Detection Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at (416) 340-5686.


Bruno Mandic


The information presented was taken from “Impact Report:  North America’s Premiere Mesothelioma Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre”.

March 10, 2017

Are You at Risk for Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is an aggressive type of cancer common among trades workers that starts in the lining of the lungs.  The vast majority of 500 new cases of mesothelioma diagnosed in Canada each year are caused by exposure to asbestos in the workplace.

Asbestos was widely used in construction materials and many other products up until the 1980s.  Mesothelioma typically appears 20 to 40 years after exposure.

Younger trades workers are still at serious risk of being exposed to asbestos, and not just from contamination from older buildings.  Asbestos has not yet been banned in Canada.  It is being imported and used in the manufacture of products, like asbestos concrete pipes.

When workers or their families swallow or inhale asbestos fibers, these microscopic-sized needles work their way into the lining of their lungs or other parts of their body.  The body’s immune system tries to destroy the foreign substance, creating chronic inflammation.  That leads to DNA damage, so that eventually normal cells become cancerous cells, which develop into fast growing tumors.  If this aggressive tumor is left untreated, it can spread to other organs.  But if caught early, patients can benefit from various treatment options and have better chances for survival.

The Princess Margaret Hospital was the first facility in the world to screen people who have been exposed to asbestos for mesothelioma and asbestos-related disorders using CT scan and biomarkers.  If an individual is diagnosed with mesothelioma, treatments can be given to help slow the progress of the disease. The treatment strategies used at Princess Margaret Hospital have more than doubled the survival rates, from 32% to 72%.

The Early Detection Program team screens individuals 30 years of older who have no symptoms but have a history of exposure to asbestos (at least 20 years ago) or show evidence of asbestos exposure on their X-rays in the form of lung scarring (pleural plaques).

The building trades unions helped start the Early Detection Program.  They, including the IUPAT, have become instrumental in the growth of the Princess Margaret’s Mesothelioma Program, supporting both screening and research.  As government funding is limited, the financial support of the trades unions is very important.

I urge our members, who have a history asbestos exposure, to take advantage of this tremendous resource and contact the Early Detection Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre at (416) 340-5686.


Bruno Mandic


The information presented was taken from “Impact Report:  North America’s Premiere Mesothelioma Program at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre”.

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